Saturday, July 4, 2009

Windows 7 to RTM on July 13, 2009?

According to GeekSmack, Microsoft will announce that Windows 7 has hit the Release to Manufacturing (RTM) milestone on July 13. Unsurprisingly, the July 13 date coincides with the kickoff of the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference, which is taking place in New Orleans. The date should give the software giant plenty of time to roll out the RTM build via its various business channels.

Last month, Microsoft announced that the day of General Availability (GA) for Windows 7 would be October 22 and that the build would go out to Microsoft partners in the last two weeks of July. It would seem that July 13 is actually a week sooner than expected, assuming that the date holds. One must remember, however, that the day of the announcement is only one of many during the final stretch to GA.

Such a quick RTM is surprising given that Microsoft is typically known for delays. Then again, Windows 7 is not a typical Microsoft release.

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