Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Apple asks iPhone devs to test push notifications

In an e-mail sent to iPhone developers Monday, Apple asked them to try out the AP's news app for the iPhone, the first third-party application to incorporate long-awaited "push" notification on the device.

The e-mail asked developers who would like to participate to install the AP News application on an iPhone running iPhone OS 3.0 beta 5. Apple has already said that the OS 3.0 release next month will include an expanded notifications service for third-party applications. Currently, the service only works with the device's core applications: incoming calls, texts, and calendar appointments.

The service was originally set to be introduced by October last year, but Apple missed the deadline. Instead, it was rolled into the wider revamp of the phone's operating system.

The forthcoming Palm Pre smartphone is also set to launch soon. Industry observers have noted that the Pre's sophisticated multitasking could give the iPhone's notification service a serious challenge.

MIcrosoft Windows 7

In my last two columns, I’ve written about two aspects of Windows 7: Upgrading the new Release Candidate and the software’s ability to run Windows XP virtually on some systems.

Now it’s time to get down to what you really want to know: How good is Windows 7 at this point in its development, and should you get it when it finally comes out, probably this fall?

To answer the first question: Yeah, this latest test release is good. Really good. In fact, it’s good enough that, were Microsoft to call this the finished version and release it formally, it would be a much better product than Windows Vista was when it launched in early 2007.

I’ve been using the beta of Windows 7 since early January, and the Release Candidate since it came out on May 5. I’ve installed it on a variety of systems, ranging from an HP netbook to an Alienware gaming notebook to a powerful desktop system I built myself. I’ve also installed it in several virtual machines on an Apple iMac and a MacBook. In all these cases, problems have been minimal or nonexistent, and Windows 7’s performance has been snappy.

Useful refinements

In my review in January of the Windows 7 beta (see www.chron.com/w7betareview), I detailed the primary changes in Windows 7. The RC mostly refines those. There are only a few truly new features in it, such as Windows XP Mode, which I detailed in last week’s column.

But the refinements are useful. For example, the revamped taskbar and desktop in Windows 7 help make sense of clutter if you have a lot of programs open. If your PC supports Aero — the translucent look first introduced in Windows Vista — then moving your cursor to the lower right corner of the screen turns all the open windows into wire frames, so you can see the desktop below them.

In the beta review, I talked about moving your cursor over taskbar buttons to see dynamic thumbnails of running programs, and even multiple tabs in Internet Explorer. But then hover your cursor over a thumbnail, a full-sized version of the window appears on the desktop, and any other windows become wire frames. If you have a lot of programs running on a notebook computer with a small screen, this feature is a godsend.

Microsoft also has refined the feature that makes it much easier to manage other devices connected to your computer. In the beta, this was called Device Stage but has been renamed simply Devices and Printers. It provides more information about mice, keyboards, printers, monitors, scanners and other peripherals. It’s also where you’ll designate a default printer, download drivers for your components and even access your home network’s router. It’s designed to replace the Device Manager, but purists needn’t worry: The Device Manager is still there.

Network access

Microsoft also has added a feature that lets you stream music and movies easily from one Windows 7 PC to another, as well as to other devices that support it. And get this: It will also allow you to connect to your home PC and stream media files over the Net.

It does this in conjunction with another new feature called Homegroups. When you set up a Windows 7 PC, you’re asked to create a Homegroup, which lets you easily designate what to share with others on your home network. If you have a portable that’s part of your Homegroup, you can then take it to, say, your favorite Wi-Fi coffee shop and connect over the Net to your network. The notebook will be recognized as part of the Homegroup, and you’ll have access to your media.

Overall, Windows 7 is much more polished and, frankly, much less annoying than Windows Vista. If you’re a Vista user who’s at all peeved at your operating system, you’ll want to upgrade posthaste when it comes out. If you’re a Windows XP user who’s happy with the status quo, you’ll at least want to investigate Windows 7. If the quality of the final build is indicated by the Release Candidate, Windows 7 is the improvement over Windows XP that Vista should have been.